To change the name of this colour scheme, edit this text. The name appears in the colour menu in the layer options window. To change the shadow colour for this colour scheme, click this colour. The shadow colour is used to draw the raised edges of the dock to give a 3D effect, and is usually darker than the main dock colour. To change the main colour for this colour scheme, click this colour. This colour is used to draw the background of the dock. To change the highlight colour for this colour scheme, click this colour. The highlight colour is used to draw the raised edges of the dock to give a 3D effect, and is usually lighter than the main dock colour. To change the name of this layer, edit this text. The layer name appears on the tabs used for switching between layers, which can be shown from the dock options window. To set which corner of the screen is used to bring DragThing to the front, click a corner of this small desktop. To set which corner of the screen is used to position the dock window relative to, click a corner of this small desktop. To change the name of this dock, edit this text. The dock name appears when the dock is minimsed, and optionally in the titlebar of the window. Also, you can select docks by name from the Window menu. Memory Bar This bar represents the ammount of memory DragThing is currently using. The dark area is the used memory and the light area is the free memory.